With films like terminator salvation,transformers and Star Trek coming out design is looking more in to the fictional aspects of life as opposed the reality of recession and depression that we are currently facing, making fashion more fictional based and less realistic could this be a good thing or will we all end up looking like super heroes or some beautiful creation that Gareth Pugh has dreamt up.
With design pushing the way for change could this trend be just thing we need to change our ways of thinking. Using deep colours reflecting those circuit boards of machinery and the glitzening silvers like things we haven't seen in a long while. for example the colours and prints used in kenzo's fall 09 collection.
The colours are dark and minial similar to those found in factorys and the sturcture of the garments are epic it looks the way that shoulder pads are making a come back this season.
I know nothing of fashion. I am more in to fission and fusion, BUT why do designers and models do the eye make up that looks so strange? Is it for shock value?
ReplyDeleteThe ultimate goal of the model and the funky makeup is to sell clothing, so maybe it just grabs the buyers attention?
I dunno... Insight?
serious question.
I think it just a way of making there models different from the rest, also its will be make up which fits in with the basis of the collection for example sci/fi relevance to the current trends, however the majority of the over the top make up is usually seen on haute couture models which is clothing that is rarely sold but is just a designers playing field these models and outfits are based on inspiration for what is sold.